Thursday, February 23, 2012

Diana's baby blessing

On Sunday February 12th, Diana relieved her baby blessing from his lovely dad and it was a very special moment, we are grateful to see her growing healthy and happy, she is a little talker and likes to be part of everything we do, every time we sit her on her bouncer chair she is trying to get forward to get more straigt that laying, she likes songs and play 'pat a cake' and 'the wheels on the bus' .

Here we have our little sweet girl and the entire family!

Jump up gym

I finally found another place where I can take Joel besides the park and the library, it's called Jump up gym, they teach gymnastics there during the afternoons, but they open during the mornings (9.30-10.30 for kids under 3 and from 11.30 -12.30 older), so in the mornings we have to hurry up if we want to take advantage of the time and money we pay ($ 5.00) , it's worth it because our little man loves it, he can jump and run with out hurting himself that much, and we enjoy watching him having a great time and getting tired. Wish they could have more schedules where we could take him, but at least we have it! YAY!!!!

Box of books

A couple days ago a friend form the last ward (Church) we were attending was so nice to stop by and drop off a box full of books and a present for Diana. When Joel saw that big box his eyes where wide open and was very excited for all those new books to read! He has been enjoying them as much as us and now we have more variety, we are grateful for good friends and family that think of us.

 Joel loves to spend time reading with daddy when he is home, and hopefully Diana will love books as much as Joel does

Friday, February 10, 2012

Diana's three months

Where does the time go? Diana is three months already and she is such a cute little happy girl, she is doing the baby talk a lot, loves to have somebody to talk to, likes to be sitting more than laying down, she is sleeping more at night (well she has been doing it since a couple weeks ago) she is growing so fast, we love her a lot, she has a sweet spirit! We enjoy to cuddle with her and take advantage of all the time we can spend with her, because we want her and Joel to feel really love.
Here is our sweet girl posing!


 And an extra picture of Joel being funny while we are in our photo session with Diana (with his pajamas's of cars)

Sorry these last pictures didn't come out as good as we would love to, light wasn't very good! But ENJOY them.....

Joel being a Peter Pan

When I saw this I couldn't believe it, what????? Joel didn't enjoy these when he had the age to do it...and now or he enjoys the swing and the bouncer more, or he doesn't want to grow and be our big boy. 

 This is one way he uses the bouncer the other one is when he uses it as a trampoline, and he had lots of fun with it when Diana is not there.

Dentist appointment

Believe it or not, Joel had his first Dentist appointment, yes he at his 17 months had his first visit, poor little one, the reason was that has been working a lot on getting his molars and we found out that one of them was making his gum purple, swallow and not looking good, besides that he was always touching his right ear like something was bothering him but he hasn't been a crying baby for teething, think he is very good about pain. He has still an eruption cyst, not very common but it happen sometimes and it will be fine, we just need to wait for the molar to come out.

Joel had a great time while waiting

  He loves cars and makes freeways everywhere 

 He's looking like I didn't do it....

 Waiting for the dentist and while there Joel got a little toy (helicopter)
After the visit, Joel was more than ready to go....he was very scare to see a stranger looking at his mouth
Going home!