Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter ward picnic

Last Saturday afternoon, our ward had an Easter picnic (barbecue) @ a Park, we had the opportunity to gather together and spend some time, our bishop with another member were @ the grill while all the boys were playing either basketball or soccer (hope you can find Tom around there playing), and all the little ones had some fun games and activities for them as well, it was a fun time!!!

1 comment:

  1. Que suertudos tener un paseo como barrio...nosotros no alcanzamos a tener uno este año. Nos demoramos mucho en ponernos de acuerdo el lugar y la fecha y cuando lo hicimos los fondos de la unidad se fueron derechito al campamento de hombres y mujeres jóvenes...plop!
    Así que a esperar el próximo verano para salir con barrio....

    saludos a Tom y muchos masajes (a tu barriga) para Joel...jijiji
