Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Our first apartment

We have been living in Arizona for a year already, and we haven't introduce or share with all of you our little peace of heaven, before we move from here, we want to show you how it looks like, these picture were taken a few months ago with the intention of sharing them with you but is better late than never, the only difference is that right now we have couple boxes here and there, trying to get things ready so it's easy to move by the beginning of July. We realize that one bedroom apartment with a baby is not enough space.

Our living room
Main entrance  
Dining room
Kitchen and the door is the Laundry room
Laundry room
 We are sleeping on part of our food storage

Our music corner
That's a wonderful present from last year, here I'm trying to learn to play, and Tom has the opportunity to practice.

Our food storage corner
This is a beginners FS, we hope to improve it when we have a little more space

Bathroom and closet
Main entrance to the apartment complex
Swimming pool
Our apartment 


  1. Quiero felicitarlos como presidenta de Sociedad de Socorro en su esfuerzo por cumplir los consejos de Dios. Me refiero al almacenamiento del Hogar, me alegró mucho lo que ví. Como sabrán, después del terremoto en Chile hemos dado mucho hincapié en que las familias refuercen sus almacenes y lo que ví en su pedacito de cielo (su hogar) me alegró mucho.

  2. you have a nice apartment, great job with your storage food and I loved your music corner
