Bud made it home with some little cute friends
Landon's letter
Bud was Thomas' best friend for so many years, until he decided to give it to Landon (one dear nephew) , so he could cuddle and play with it! Now Landon has been so good thinking about Thomas' baby, that decided to send Bud back home so baby Joel can cuddle and play with it as his dad used to! Thank you for taking good care of Bud during the past years, and for the wonderful time you shared with him. Bud made it safely to Arizona, he was very well prepared for that long trip with some dog food, banana bread, and water. Bud wasn't alone, so probably that made things easier for him! Thank you again for sharing all the things Bud used to do with you Landon, and for those great experiences you shared together....We'll keep in mind that Bud loves Indiana and all those favorite things he likes to do.