Sunday, September 4, 2011

Trip to Seattle, part II

We went to the Temple grounds to take a few pictures. Joel got the chance to wear an outfit that for some of you will look familiar and that daddy got the opportunity to wear when he was a little boy (I was surprised that the tag said 3T when Joel was 11mo. old)

 It was hard to get him to pose or smile because he was too busy looking around at some other people taking pictures or just very distracted by the fountains.  I don't know how pro photographers do it with little ones, it's a hard task to get nice cute smiling pictures!!!

 We thought it was a good idea to take a picture with this statue, but it wasn't for Joel, who was so confused and wondering who that brown guy was......
We went to a farewell.  Joel was scared when we just got there and saw lots of people gather at the same time, but after a little while he was fine and happy, trying to explore everything and everywhere using his new skill of walking holding somebody's hand.

 This is the walker that grandma got so Joel could be safe when going specially to the chicken, because he wants to walk really bad and wants to be everywhere all the time, this is the reason : I was cooking a vegetable soup for him and he saw the steam coming out of the pot over the stove, and he was playing with some magnets but he was so curious about the steam, that when I was either washing my hands or just checking the soup, he stood up on the bottom bar from the stove and held himself onto the oven bar trying to reach where the steam was coming out, we almost had a heart-attack, so I held him so he could stop his curiosity a little bit, later when I was serving his soup he did it again, for one day it was enough, he didn't last that long in the stroller because he prefered to pushed it around that to be in it.
This is how I caught him several times when he was playing on the stairs, trying to open the door, he really wanted to take advantage of his time up in Seattle and spend much of his time outside.
Joel is very curious about everything, and when he was playing and heard a noise of an airplane or dogs barking he was always trying to find out where the sounds were coming from, he loved to see the birds, airplanes, people, and cars through the window

Joel loved to play with the rocking chair, and more after he found out that he could push it

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