Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Diana's first week!

Here we have our little angel, doing the things she does best - sleep and eat! That's a great life =D

She likes to sleep just like Joel did (probably it's a baby thing)

Our taco!! mmm!
Our little Diana (nicknames- Strawberry Shortcake or Princess Dee)

Joel's feeling more comfortable around her. He likes to push the swing when she is there, he tries to touch her and show her his love, whenever she cries he cries with her (mourns with those that mourn) or tries to find something to bring to her so she is more happy, he worries a lot , he will be a great older brother, he's too sweet!

We caught her smiling in one picture, but it was at night, so the color didn't turn out well.
But she is still cute! We are so blessed to have another baby in our family!


  1. She is truly adorable. You guys make me miss cuddling a newborn. Then again, I am kind of enjoying taking my older kids out to things like the movie theaters. I LOVE the nickname Princess Dee, mostly because Dee is my family nickname too. Congratulations you guys!

  2. Diana is so cute and adorable, I love the photo of her and Joel looking after her, he´ll a great big brother.
