Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mesa Easter Pageant

We went to the Pageant titled "Jesus the Christ" at the temple grounds.  It was beautiful!  The show is free, and all the actors are volunteers, but the production is very high quality.  We were at a Spanish session, and the actors all mouthed their lines in Spanish, although the sound was pre-recorded.  A few people who didn't speak Spanish were able to get headphones for translation.  They all must learn their lines in Spanish and English.  There were a couple of songs where hundreds of people all mouthed the words in Spanish as well - it was impressive, and we all felt a beautiful spirit as it told the story of Christ's ministry on Earth.

1 comment:

  1. Que bakán que puedan tener un pageant en español... Me gustaría que este tipo de espectáculo existiese en Chile, aunque sea una vez cada 3 o 5 años, por que son espectaculares!!!!
    ya me imagino el espíritu que se habrá sentido al escuchar a todos el público cantar en español y apoyar en sí el show!!!! tuvo que haber sido grandioso....
    ese tipo de experiencias espirituales se necesitan en Chile, por que las cosas no andan bien por acá, los miembros están endureciendo sus corazones a pesar del terremoto, no se que pasa...pero a veces me da hasta miedo...:(

    Pero bueno... genial por ustedes que pudieron gozar en familia del pageant.
