Sunday, June 5, 2011

2nd Anniversary

Two years have passed, and it seemed like yesterday when we were getting things ready for our BIG DAY, invitations, guess list, dress, receptions, etc,etc...but the most important being the day set apart for our sealing! What a special moment that we will always treasure in our hearts! The beginning of everything in our lives. We have enjoyed our time together as much as we can and feel really HAPPY! Now we have the opportunity to celebrate with our little one.  He makes us realized that the time has passed and he keeps growing and being cute to hug, kiss and cuddle all the time, he has definitely brought more happiness to our home and we are grateful for this little blessing.
For our anniversary we wanted to do something fun, we planned a quick trip to LA or SD, but because the weather wasn't that nice, we postponed (didn't want to take the chance to bring Joel sick for some reason like last time we went to LA) so we decided that on Tom's vacation week, the plan was to take two days to do our trip and maybe the weather would be nicer. 
So very thoughtful that day, Tom asked me what do I wanted for our anniversary (I was surprised he asked me) so I answered : 'flowers and chocolates' .
He went to the store to get some groceries, while I was putting the baby down, he really surprised me with my flowers and chocolate in a cake, so we celebrate with cake and milk that night!

Next day we took Joel to the park and spent some time there while weather was really nice, we all enjoyed it!

Joel really likes the swing

Well....the vacation week it's almost over and we couldn't go to SD as we planned, Tom was called to be the YM President in our ward last week, and there lots of things going on with mutual, interviews because the youth had a Temple trip on Saturday so Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we were busy, and Friday we had a Dr appointment so we forgot about our plan and decided to celebrate going out for lunch to our favorite restaurant, where it happened to have a great deal -good price and lots of food for us (Soup, Salad, Entre, Rolls, Dessert), that we even brought a to go box home and had lunch the next day.
 Joel always always trying to be a good boy (some times if he is tired doesn't last that much, but usually he's happy)

 Here it's our little family celebrating!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. wow como pasa el tiempo, ya dos añ encanto la original idea de las flores con chocolate en el pastel.....y Joel se ve cada vez mas grandote y precioso, que bueno que se la pasaron muy bien : )
