Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We are pregnant - 011210

Yay!!! We can't wait anymore.....We are so HAPPY to announce to all of you that we will be having a new member of the Culwell family, our life miracle, we we're not expecting a baby right now but we surely have been very blessed with a little angel in our home.
The only thing is that the grandchildren won't be an even number anymore, even though we tried so hard to have twins, they will be odd for now.
We had an appointment with the doctor this morning to check the baby's condition and looks great and his/her (don't know yet) heart was beating wonderfully, by the end of this week we will be 8 weeks.


  1. Felicidades por el nuevo miembro!!!

    Sobre tu consulta, busca en google "templates para blogs" te dan varios diseños y ahi elijes cual te gusta más, debes seguir los pasos que ellos te dan, un consejo bueno es que guardes por ahi las direcciones de los blogs de tus amigos por que se pierden al cambiar el fondo.

    Si tienes alguna otra consulta escribeme al facebook.

    besos mi chika!


    We are so happy for you guys!!!!!
